RaVe iS n0t a cRiMe - ReSpEkT tHe UnDeRgRoUnD tEkN0 MoVeMeNt aNd SuPp0rt fReE PaRtY



la notte di venerdi 5 ottobre ci e' stato rubato il camion con tutto il sound crustek..il camion e' stato ritrovato nelle campagne di cigliano(vercelli)completamente vuoto!

il danno che ci hanno recato e' veramente grosso essendo solo in due ad aver pagato tutte le attrezzature...io provo a mettere una lista di quello che ci han rubato in caso qualcuno senta di gente che vende queste cose...non comprate queste cose perche' oltre che sappiamo benissimo riconoscere il nostro sound abbiamo i numeri seriali e andate nella merda voi!

questo e' bene o male quello che ci hanno rubato:

-4 sub w-bin peavey fh-1
-2 medi a tromba peavey
-2 alti a tromba peavey mfh-1x
-2 sub lem a tromba
-1 alto lem a tromba con amplificatore lem interno
-1 medio/alto lem a tromba con amplificatore interno
-2 sub martin audio 215 bass-bin
-2 sub soltoon craaft s218 bass reflex

-2 piatti technics 1200mk2
-2 puntine ortofon concorde pro-s
-2 puntine ortofon gold
-2 flight case azzurre per technics

-1 flight case 8 unita' con ruote contenente:
2 finali carver px 1450
1 finale lem procon 1500

-1 flight case 6 unita' contenente:
1 finale qsc audio usa 1300
1 finale whalfedale mp 2800

-1 flight case 6 unita' contenente.
1 compressore/gate/expander dbx 266
1 equalizzatore dbx eq 231
1 crossover dbx 233
1 crossover dbx 233xl
2 splitter beringher ultralink-pro

-1 flight case gigante in moquette rossa con ruote contenente:
2 scanner coemar microscan al 650/500
1 centralina luci dmx coemar
1 luce stroboscopica da 1000w
1 macchina del fumo
2 fari par 20 proel
6 ganci per americana da 30
10 cinghie a cricchetto
vari ricambi e riduzioni

-1 flight case per dischi con circa 80/90 dischi tekno
-4 barre americana quadra da 30 della litec 2 metri cad.(totale 8 metri)
-2 stativi meccanici per americana altezza massima 6,5 metri
-1 kit attacco rapido americana litec
-2 ceste di cavi(cannon/jack/speakon etc etc)all incirca un centinaio di cavi
-2 fari alogeni da 1000w con trepiedi
-1 generatore di corrente honda
-1 valigetta in alluminio contenente varie riduzioni/prese/lampade/cavi/attrezzi...

di sicuro in questo momento sto dimenticando...

chiunque possa aiutarci e' pregato di farlo!!!!

giordi e diego (crustek machine sound system)


Se La qUeStUrA NoN vUoI MoBiLitArE
E La PoLiZia NoN vUoI FaR aRRiVaRe
L'iNfo Su ShoCkRaVeR NoN La PoStArE
fAttI FuRbo e In Un aLtRo MoDo FaLLa GiRaRe

iL sIt0 è CoNtRoLLat0 gIà Si SaPeVa
qUiNdI NoN tI LaMeNtAr pUttAnA eVa
RiSpEttA La nAtUrA e aCCeNdI iL cErVeLLo
aLtRImEntI hAi fInIto dI fArE BoRdELLo

La fEstA è LiBeRa e LiBeRa ReStA
Se tUttI NoI uSeReMo La tEstA
e RiCoRdAtI SeMpRe kE DiEtRo oGnI fEstA
NoN C'è SoLo iL BaLLo Ma aNkE pRotEstA

CoNtRo iL SiStEmA Ke tI vUoLe oBbLiGaRe
a pAgArE SoLdI x p0tEr BaLLaRe
e a qUeStE CoNdIzIoNi NoN sI pUò s0ttoStArE
DaVaNtI a uN BeL SoUnD VoGLIaMo DaNzARe

x NoN SuBiRe NeSsUn SuPpLIzIo
Ke La RaVe.oLuZIoNe aBbIa sUbIto InIzIo!



nEaR hEiLiGeNdAmM (DE)

* aNtI G8 *

--- ReSiStAnCe aRt fEstIvAL ---

We plan to organize an artistic Temporary Autonomous Zone near Heiligendamm during the G8 summit in June from the 2nd (evening) till the end of the blockades. We are several tekno sound systems and demonstration organizers from all over Europe and we'll bring our gigs to Heiligendamm, we are all used to create Free Autonomous Spaces...

Our aim are to offer people a place to rest and to find a new energy to go back to the barricades and to mobilize all the people that wouldn't come without this event (don't laugh it's true, a lot of people would come if they can find also a festival there, it's a reason more to come for them). Our message is in our art (music, video, juggling, painting,...) and we do intend to make noise to be heard! We want people coming back from the barricades to be able to find a place to free their minds and moods from all aggressiveness and to motivate them back with our art...

Moreover the 8 bastards will speak about the copyrights and the distribution networks of art (DRMs, licenses, peer2peer, copy protections,...) so we cannot let them do without showing that Free Art is a reality, that we can do autonomous spaces for free and offering even more than "just" art to the people, and that we refuse their standardization of art and their capitalist way of seeing art in general.. Our art is not to sell!!

We have our own hardware (speakers, amplifiers, trucks, videoprojectors,...) so any artist can come and we'll be glad to accept any collaboration offered...
We are also in contacts with alternative artists from other scenes (rock, rap,...) and trying to arrange concerts too...

We asked for a place but still did not get any answers but even if they don't give us a place we'll take it, we are all used to that and ready to defend our camp... But honestly we don't think they will give a fuck about people dancing when they will have thousands of people trying to break their fucking fence at the same time ;)
We have organized an illegal Teknival with 5000 people in Germany (Baden-Baden) last year (and several ones all over Europe), just after the demonstration we organized on the 15th April 2006 in Strasbourg in front of the European Parliament, and some of our group also organized numerous illegal protests in Berlin (and legal ones too), so we are quite aware of how it goes there in Germany...

If anyone is interested in working with us in this project (the fact that you got hardware or not is not a problem) please contact us

MoRe iNfo LatER...


South Side Crew have lost a brother in a hijacking on the Rio-Sao Paolo. Seb from dRopIn CaRaVaN will not however be forgotten. (KeRnEL pAnIk)

Seb from dRopIn CaRaVaN was touring south America with the South Side Crew (kernel panic, dropin caravan & no borders). Last mondey they had a tire puncture on the bus and so they all had to stop. After taking the tire off, 3 of them went with a truck to try and find a new one. Seb wit his baby and his girlfriend were in the car ready to go to Sao Paolo to pick up a friend, as soon as they started they were approached by two guys who first of all shot Seb and then pointed the gun to an Italian girl from kernel panic. They tried to get in the bus but everyone was panicking and they run away. The girl survived barely but unfortunately seb died on the way to the hospital. Marwin, his 3 years old son, is clearly under shock for having witnessed the whole ordeal. A lot of benefit parties will be organized all over the world...
if you would like to send a donation to the familly to help them with the funeral etc go here:



4-7 May 2006 AtHeNs' StReEtPaRaDe

This isan attachedmessage from the Open Assembly for the creation of

Autonomous Spaces / Open Public Ephemeral Zone

4-7 May 2006 Athens Greece

You can forward this message to all the collectives and persons that you think they might like to participate in the co-creation of this meeting ................

You can print this invitation and put it in all infoshops, squats and social centers of your area...

You can do whatever you like for to make this experiment come alive and have inside some of your creativity....

In the next weeks it will be ready the poster of the gathering so you can help us to print and distribute posters in your area....

Thank you very much

If you like to come in contact with us for the gatheringyou can do it in the mail :


and for the street parade:


Dear friends,

We inform you that during the first week of May 2006 the European Social Forum will take place in Athens. At the same time the open assembly for the creation of the "Autonomous Spaces" / Open Public Ephemeral Zone will use a university space in the centre of Athens and will produce an ephemeral autonomous zone that will try to bring together all the grassroots anticapitalist, autonomous and antiauthoritarian collectives, groups and movements. We will try all of us to co-create an open public space that will give the opportunity to all the libertarian radical utopians, the anarchists, the antiauthoritarians, the libertarian communists, the green anarchists, the antisystemic Marxists, the anarchoprimitivists,the squats, the social centers and all anti-hierarchical collectives from any lineage of the modern libertarian thinking -action to present their work, express their ideas , and come to
public dialogue with the other collectives and the global society. This is an open invitation for all the creative political and cultural affinity groups
and personal initiatives to participate in the construction of the zone and
the formation of the social and political agenda.

You can send your propositions to take part in the general program of the festival until 15th of March.

We would like to let you know that this congregation will give us the
opportunity to create an antiauthoritarian autonomous zone and express our ideas in a friendly environment. It is also provided the ability to each
collective to organize and decorate its own space, prepare and present its own lectures or documentary shows and participate to the general assemblies and forums.

We announce below the thematic issues of the assemblies and the forums and we wait from you the expansion and the enrichment of this catalogue with your own propositions:

*City movements and Ecology
*International Movements

*New Technologies in the hands of the Movement ( video activism, teknival sound systems, networking, info-mapping, documentation e.t.c)
*Social Centers , Squatting
*Direct Action
*Sexism and Homophobia
*Libertarian , Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Ontology
*Contemporary Every Day Life and Future Social and Cultural Movements
*General Assembly :
Autonomous – Anticapitalistic Space and Antiglobalization Movement

The whole procedure according to the preparations until now will take place on five phases (more ideas can be organized and much more actions can take place through the expression of initiative) :

a) Autonomous Spaces / An Open Public Ephemeral Zone / Athens 4-7 May 2006

Four days of open public dialogue, networking of information, lectures,
info-centres , books or pamphlets exhibition, live internet shows, film shows and documentary video projections and open celebrative public

b) Action of Solidarity and Social awareness outside of Immigrant's Concentration Camp

c) Actions of Social awareness at the City Market and other Working spaces

d) Meetings, talking circles and workshops at the social centers of Athens

e) Total Freedom Street Parade / organized by Void Network

An open invitation from Void Network to all the anarcho-ravers, the
technival sound-systems, the psychedelic trancers, the space travelers to
built a global celebration of social awareness in the streets of Athens
that will send in all over world the message of the fight for Total Freedom

We believe that it would be very helpful any collective which would like to
take part in this festival to prepare for traveling, to prepare their
lectures, and to help with the publicity networking.

According to the economical difficulties of some collectives we can
understand that some of them they can not organize the traveling in Athens, so we offer to them the opportunity to participate and express their ideas through books or pamphlets exhibition that they can send to the Creative Crew of the situation, or to appear in the situation through live internet shows, film shows and documentary video projections
We look forward for any reply from you as soon as possible.

Thank you,

People from the open assembly for the creation of "Autonomous Spaces" Open Public ephemeral Zone
contact: autonomouspacesathens2006@gmail.com


PétItIoN KontRatAk

Arrété le 15 novembre 2005,Jérémy Gaillet (kontratak sound system) se retrouve victime de l'incompréhension du système judiciaire Francais.Des suites de son arrestation il se voit saisir son matériel,et plus grave encore,son live qui représente un travail assidu. C'est une action qui attaque directement sa liberté de s'exprimer,de créer et de s'adonner à l'art musical.Alors pour éviter une injustice, nous demandons à la justice Francaise de rester rationelle et de permettre à Jérémy Gaillet de garder son live.Ce n'est pas seulement un appel à l'aide mais surtout un appel a vivre.

pour signer la pétition laissez vos noms et prénoms dans les commentaires ainsi que votre e-mail si vous souhaitez recevoir des nouvelles de cette affaire...merci pour lui et puis merci pour vous.Notre liberté d'expression vaut bien cela.



c23chtek 2oo5

"you may stop the party, but can't stop the future!!"

Policejní stát? Ne, děkuji!








01. 08. 2005 03:30

Czechtek is open-air international and multicultural music festival with 12 year tradition. Not only different genres of music, but also videoart and other art performances take place on this unique event of freeculture.

In all history of festival there were no significant damages or problems, participants while leaving clean the land and take responsibility for their action.

Contract with the owner of grass plain was clearly shown to police. There is no indicaion that festival was in any way illegal, every aspect was according to law of Czech Republic.

Although police stated throughout friday 29th several different reasons for blockage of access to the place of festival, all were later shown as lies or desinformation. The final reason for brute attack was "threat of damaging the surrounding private pieces of land".

The presence of attending young people on surrounding land was caused by police blockage of all roads and the police action was not taken against this people, but against the people on legally borrowed property.

Woman from near willage, owner of adjoining land, said she had been woken up by police friday morning, long before people began to arrive, taken to police station and by false arguments encouraged to sign complaint.

Most of the people did not hear any appeal to leave the place, many of them had drunk alcohol-containing beverages and could not go away with cars, many of them believed that by taking part on legally organized festival they cannot be targeted by police.

The first police action on saturday 30, 16:30PM took several hours and was badly coordinated. On the place was 1000 policemen, water cannon, armoured tank and low-flying helicopter.

The second night attack at 22PM was led with extreme brutality.

Police in heavy suits without identifying numbers refused to give identifying information, information about their command and information about first aid location.

Police used massive amounts of tear gas and desorientation grenades, in many cases they threw tear gas granade into a car and did not let people inside for long time get out, in other cases they broke car windows by iron bars, threw grenade in and forced people to get out.

All people were beaten up, including teenage girls, which cried in pain. Witnesses described attack on lone staing girl, who was pulled down by her hair and kicked on the ground by four policemen.

There were hundreds of injuries, including cuts, bruises, burnings, broken arms, shock. Many people were in shock still the next day afternoon with red faces from tear gas.

Police intentionally damaged cars, electronic equipment and other property. Attack was led with clear intention to cause injuries.

People were forced to go to near highway, which was closed several hours and then the waiting trucks were allowed to go dangerously among the desoriented people. Police confirmed death of young man attending the festival. Reportedly he was killed by truck which left. The reason of this death can be manipulated by police, no wittnesses were found to confirm police statement.

Police brutality continued on scattered people till the sunday morning.

Czech state television Czech TV did not inform about the night attack, it's news were not balanced, mainly repeating police statements. Czech TV in its news also under estimated political value of call of freedom and resignation of minister of interior on sunday's demonstration in Prague, reporting briefly about techno-goers.

This is a call to foreing media to publish information about unlawful police brutality and state of democracy and human rights in Czech Republic.

press release of the visions.cz server, 31. 7. 23:30


Allan and Alex (UFO) relaxed from all accusations

This is gonna be a model for all judgements in France and we are all happy of the ending.

They were accused for exemple to be responsible of people taking drugs on Teknival so all parties organisers could have been accused of that after!!

It is a big victory for them and for us!

Justice has won, thanks to Allan and Alex for all they did in the past...


MaNiFeStAtIoN @ StRaSb0uRg PoStPoNeD

Due to the recent riots in France, the Demonstration and the Teknival that were supposed to happen the 12th November 2005 in Strasbourg have been postponed !!!!!!

After receiving authorisation for both events we were told today to postpone them. This is based on the Emergency State that has been declared in France by the President of the Republic, Jacques Chirac.

>> Restrictions on all kinds of events and on press freedom is possible:

Furthermore the law allows the closing of meeting places and the cancellation of any event and also allows trials in front of a military court. The press freedom can also be restricted. According the law, the control of the press and publications of any nature like radio, cinema and theatre performances, is possible. <<

The public authorities have also the right to deploy the army whenever they think they need it!

A curfew has been declared in Strasbourg for 12 days and also in loads of others French cities.

In consequences, the Prefet of Strasbourg (Police Head Chief) have made an "arrete prefectoral" (law paper) which forbids the demonstration because they fear that it would be a good place for the rioters to take advantage of the situation to burn cars all over Strasbourg and to create incidents inside the demonstration. It is also difficult for them to give us first-aid workers for the Teknival as a lot are mobilised for the riots.

It is obvious that we can do it later and that they will give us all the support we need next time.

What we see as a good sign for the next events.

We are sincerely sorry of that happening, especially for all those that have implied themselves by spreading information or by any other means, the negotiations were going well before, they seems to understand that we are peaceful people, considering the fact that they agreed that we protest in front of all the European Institutions buildings, which they don't want to be ransacked.

Our aim has always been to draw the attention of the media and the politicians to the difficulties of the emerging subcultures and alternative lifestyles in Europe to exist, to give a sign of Solidarity and Unity against all kinds of unjustified repressions, especially considering the Czechtek where one of us tragically died.

In such conditions, we truly doubt of the mediatic result that we could have generated, all media being tuned on the riots.

This situation in France is just the result of the repressive policy engaged by more and more countries all over Europe and all over the world, and we truly hope that it will motivate you even more to fight against those kinds of politics for a Free world.

Free Parties and Teknivals have always been "OPEN TO ALL", and that is real integration, not what has been done in France and all over Europe!!

All Europe has to realise that the social and cultural politics have to be totally changed if we want to continue to live altogether in peace.


More info soon on http://www.free4alter.org/

Liaphin and Lagren


En raison des récentes émeutes en France, la Manifestation et le Teknival qui devaient se dérouler le 12 Novembre 2005 a Strasbourg ont été reportés !!!!!!

Apres avoir reçu les autorisations pour les deux événements, il nous a été signifié aujourd'hui que nous devions les reporter a une date ultérieure, ceci en raison de l'Etat d'Urgence, décrété par le Président de la République, Jacques Chirac.

>> Une restriction totale de tout types d'événements ainsi que de la liberté de la presse est des lors possible :

De plus, la loi autorise la dispersion de tout types de rassemblement et l'annulation de tout types d'événements ainsi que les jugements devant un tribunal militaire. La liberté de la presse peut aussi être restreinte. Selon la loi, le contrôle de la presse et de tout type de moyen de communication de n'importe quelle nature, que ce soit la radio, le cinéma ou les performances théâtrales, est possible. <<

Les autorités publiques ont également le droit de déployer l'armée si elles l'estiment nécessaire.

Un couvre-feu a été déclaré a Strasbourg pour une durée de 12 jours ainsi que dans un grand nombre d'autres villes françaises.

En conséquence, le Préfet de Strasbourg a édité un arrêté préfectoral interdisant cette manifestation car il craint que les émeutiers ne profitent de cette manifestation pour créer des troubles en son sein ou pour incendier Strasbourg. Il leur est également difficile de nous fournir des secouristes pour le Teknival dans de telles conditions étant donné que la plupart sont déjà mobilisés pour les émeutes.

Il est évident que nous pouvons reproduire de tels événements quand bon nous semblera, Teknival compris, et cela avec leur soutien, mais pas tant que l'"ordre" ne sera pas rétabli.

Ce qui est un bon signe pour les actions futures.

Nous sommes profondément désole de la façon dont cela se passe, surtout pour tout ceux qui se sont mobilisés et qui se sont activés pour que cette manifestation soit un succès, a aucun moment nous n'aurions pu en deviner le dénouement, les négociations se passaient plutôt bien, et même lors du début des émeutes ils semblaient comprendre que nous étions pacifistes et que nous ne mettrions pas en péril la sécurité des citoyens, preuve en est le trajet qui passait devant toutes les institutions européennes malgré le risque de casse.

Notre but a toujours été d'attire l'attention des media et des hommes et femmes politiques sur les difficultés d'existence rencontrées par les cultures émergentes et les modes de vie alternatifs en Europe, ainsi que de montrer notre Unité et notre Solidarité face a tout types de répressions arbitraires, telles que le Czechtek ou l'un des notre est mort de façon tragique.

Dans de telles conditions il est fort a douter que cette manifestation aurait eu l'impact souhaité, tout les media étant fixés sur les émeutes...

Cette situation, en France, n'est que le résultat de la politique répressive engagée par de plus en plus de pays a travers l'Europe et le monde, et nous espérons sincèrement que cela ne fera que vous motiver encore plus a vous battre contre ses types de politiques et pour un monde plus libre.

Les Free Parties et les Teknivals ont toujours été "OUVERT A TOUS" (OPEN TO ALL), ce qui constitue le plus bel exemple d'intégration sociale et culturelle a ce jour, contrairement a ce qui a été fait en France et a travers toute l'Europe !!

L'Europe toute entière doit réaliser que les politiques sociales et culturelles doivent être changées si nous voulons continuer a vivre tous ensemble en paix...


Plus d'infos prochainement sur: http://www.free4alter.org/

Liaphin and Lagren


pEtItIoN aGaInSt tHe vIoLatIoN of hUmAn rIgHtS

Addressed to the President of the Czech Republic, the government of the CR, the Speakers of the Senate and of the Assembly of Deputies of the CR.

Because these exactions do not must fall in forget and for that does not reproduce !!! ...



StRaSb0uRg (FR)

* MaNiFeStAtIoN @ StRaSb0uRg *

--- UnItEd aGaInSt PoLiCe BrUtALitY ---

fRoNt 0f EuRoPeAn pArLeMeNt

E.A.R.: European Alternative Resistance:[/color]

We the Autonomous and free living peoples of Europe have suffered violent oppresion at the hands of the authorities for far too long, we are not criminals, we just choose to live differently! But the levels of violence against us have reached critical and we can no longer accept it in silence. We suffered from police brutality during unjustified evictions, beatings and hardships suffered by our peoples every single day. Czechtek last year was the breaking point where we suffered one dead and over 100 people seriously injured just for dancing at an authorized event. The police in riot gear steamed in to innocent dancing people with batton charges and tear gas attacks. Moreover we are denied basic human rights! The same rights than other citizens are entitled, for example travelers’s or squatter’s children cannot access school easily, leading us to a social exclusion... Medical care like doctors and dentists can be a real problem to access when you live on the move. In response to this violent acts we scheduled this demonstration to show everyone that we want to be integrated and that we are just willing to propose alternatives way of life and events for every european citizens.

So we are asking you to mobilize yourselves, your sound systems and your friends and head for Strasbourg to the European Alternatives Resistance (E.A.R) protest to make yourselves seen and heard peacefully. We will be assembling at 14.00 hours at Place de l’Universite in strasbourg city center and will be marching on the European Parliement and Council and the Court of Human Rights.

We will be asking for clarification of the full and truthful facts for the police action on the 30th of July 05 in the czeck republic based on real democratic judicature according to the charta for human rights, We demand that there will not be another violent police intervention like we have seen in the past at any events in the future. We have had enough of police aggresion aimed at alternative lifestyles and peaceful assemblies and are gathering here peacefully as 'ONE VOICE' to ask them to stop their aggresion and brutality and to treat us like human beings, with respect,compassion and understanding. And to accept that we are just different, not criminals and terrorists and that we want to offer Europe a free access to Arts and Culture, new means of expression, and social alternatives... All those rights are guaranted in the Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 5-10-11-13-14 & add.2) but no ones seem to care about us!

We ask you all to bring the carnival atmosphere with whistles, horns, drums and anything else you can make some fucking noize with !!! We do not want a violent protest and ask everyone to be on there best behavior, dont give them the excuse to turn this on us, the worlds press will be watching.

You will find out details and directions to the Sounds Of Silenced Parties (S.O.S.) afterwards at the demonstration by word of mouth. To keep up to date on developments and to receive mail outs join the new forum on www.free4euroalternatives.org and get involved how ever you can. We really need all the help we can get, dont leave it up to everybody else, take the initiative.and make this happen. Promote this where ever you can, print off the flyers and give them out at your parties, post the flyers on online forums and message boards in your country, get your local pirate radio stations involved, get the djs and emcee's to plug it, do what ever you can to get our people to strasbourg. Together, united, we can make the difference!

S.O.S.: Sounds Of Silenced:[/color]

There won't be any Teknival in France, we could only manage autorisations and places for small parties (500 people ones), all infos will be given at the demonstration.

For Sounds who'd like to participate please take contact on the www.free4euroalternatives.org forum, section S.O.S. Party.

Motivated ones might found a big surprise at the end of the protest...

The manifestation has been declared and it is going to start in Place de l'Universite wich is 200 meters away from the Place de la Republique (Place de la Republique will be occupied for the celebration of the 11th november wich is the end of war fro France)

It will then go to Place brant, then we go to the COUNCIL OF EUROPE by Avenue de l'Europe.

And we'll end in front of the EUROPEAN PARLIEMENT.

The manifestation will start at 14:00 (13:00 GMT) but we can access the Place de l'Universite at 12:00 (11:00 GMT) to prepare the mobile sound systems.

Ending would be around 19:00 (18:00 GMT).

We demand the right to exist,

We demand the end of systematic and unjustified repression against us,

We demand the condemnation of countries such as the Tcheck republic for brutally repressing our organised events for no justifiable reason,

We demand the right to be treated as socio-cultural performers; because our events are unrestricted, self -managed and with no financial interest, they fall outside the norm of commercial cultural events,

We demand access to Art and Culture as a fundamental right and its expression to be state-approved,


Against arbitrary repressions of named "Teknival" and "Free Parties".

These events just are an artistic and cultural manifestation of free expression with no commercial purpose, open to all in order to share, develop and enrich their culture.

To ensure that what happened in the Tcheck republic does not happen again!

We will not tolerate that, in a newly emerging constitutional Europe, member nations ignore and destroy our spaces for creative freedom through violent police action or security laws.

We will not give up against these discriminatory actions.

We will not give in to intolerance.

We will not be silenced.

We will carry on and inform the public.

In order to achieve this, WE NEED ALL OF YOU...

Infoline: +33 892 35 00 33 and press 1 and then your country code:

Englishcode: 456456 (Englishline: +33892350033.1.456456)

Frenchcode: 444444 (Frenchline: 0892350033.1.444444)

Deutchcode: 445566 (Deutchline: +33892350033.1.445566)

Czechcode: 432100 (Czechline: +33892350033.1.432100)

An European Teknival will follow the demonstration.

More information on

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